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Writing Compilers and Interpreters

Title Writing Compilers and Interpreters
Writer Ronald Mak (Author)
Date 2024-11-28 13:48:34
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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Quickly master all the skills you need to build your own compilers and interpreters in C++ Whether you are a professional programmer who needs to write a compiler at work or a personal programmer who wants to write an interpreter for a language of your own invention, this book quickly gets you up and running with all the knowledge and skills you need to do it right. It cuts right to the chase with a series of skill-building exercises ranging in complexity from the basics of reading a program to advanced object-oriented techniques for building a compiler in C++. Here's how it works: Every chapter contains anywhere from one to three working utility programs that provide a firsthand demonstration of concepts discussed, and each chapter builds upon the preceding ones. You begin by learning how to read a program and produce a listing, deconstruct a program into tokens (scanning), and how to analyze it based on its syntax (parsing). From there, Ron Mak shows you step by step how to build an actual working interpreter and an interactive debugger. Once you've mastered those skills, you're ready to apply them to building a compiler that runs on virtually any desktop computer. Visit the Wiley Computer Books Web page at: Read more


I'm in the Game Development industry. I was assigned to creating an in-house scripting language for one of our games. I quickly ordered all the compiler / interpreter / scripting books i could find from the classic dragon book to beginning game scripting. After a week of reading book after book i was starting to get really worried, each text was way too abstract or so simple it had no relevance. Long behold, sitting at the bottom of my pile of books i found this gem. It's a god-send, i call it my scripting bible. I was able to read and understand the book in a few days and had the PASCAL compiler and interpreter up and running in about a week. After reading this text i was able to design and implement the scripting language i was asked to make with relative ease. My suggestion, get this book!As an after-note i also purchased the first and third editions of the book after realizing how good it is. While they are both pretty interesting i find the second edition to be the best.

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